Thane Belen, a devoted husband, father, and grandfather, brings a wealth of life experience and faith. Thane's journey as an author began with the encouragement of his wife, recognizing his gift for storytelling during a marriage encounter retreat. Inspired by personal trials and guided by his faith, Thane authored "Help Me Lord, I Need YOU," a collection of stories illustrating how faith can overcome life's challenges. He aims to offer not just solutions, but foundational principles for a fulfilling life. With God's guidance, Thane continues to write, sharing hope and healing through his stories, with plans for future books addressing themes of depression, loss, and finding Christ amidst adversity.
Learn more about Thane
Witnesses of Hope
Thane and Patt’s mission is to share stories of God’s healing power
Some talents and gifts are not discovered early in life. According to Thane and Patt, that’s God's providence at work.​
Not a writer by trade, Thane Belen had a career in sales and management while his wife Patt was a stay-at-home mom to their children. Although Thane is now the author of one book with plans to write two more, Patt noticed Thane’s gift for writing long before he...
WCAT Radio, Episode 8:
Whether We Actually Need God
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